In the passage "Hype", by Kalle Lasn, Kalle argues about the pollution of advertising. She complains about how advertisements are posted everywhere possible, and that there is nowhere to run. Throughout the passage, Kalle explains how advertisements introduced mentaly causes great effect on how people view advertising. A person who sees an advertisement on television, would want to buy the same advertisement being introduced everyday. I disagree with the passage, simply because that Kalle argues that commercial pollution is wrong, but how is there any other way to make tons of money?
In life, it is not easy. In order to survive in life, depending on where you are from, we would need money. In order to have money, we must work. For some people in the world, one of their goals would be to achieve in having a large international business company. But like every person, in order to have a large business, you must start small. As for an example, a hair salon named "Michline de Paris." At fist, Michline started in a small business hair salon. After she begins to make money, she uses the money to create commercials. The more one sees a commercial on television, the more one would come to check the store out. Since then, Michline's hair salon business began to improve. At the same time, Michline opened another store, in Long Island. If it was not for commercial/ advertising that Michline used, her business would not have improved as much. My point in proving my statement is, life is compared to sharks. You would have to take care of your self in life, for if not, you would be eaten.
Explictly in detail, the life of business isn't very easy. For example, almost every large company has a stock market. Stock markets usually rise and crash. The consequence of a crash would be a huge devestation. Basically, the reason why people have stock markets is another way of forming a huge business. For most companies, when a stock market crashes, the company does not really get affected, such as McDonald's. McDonald is a wealthy person, other than the middle class, that would take a huge damage. Again, we businesses need to survive and succeed in life. Life is not expected to be easy. It takes time and patience to achieve our goals. But in life, you would have to find every way possible to make money. Say if you want to sell advertisements in the future. Your fist thought, would, be "How to get there?". If there were no advertisement in this world, life for businesses would be a great challenge.
If business where to find other ways to be successful other than adverting, it would be a great challenge for them. Kalle argues that advertising is wrong. But what about business? How would a business become successful internationally. There would only be one answer.
A good first part, and a great second paragraph, but then the third one does not give any more specific evidence--it is a repetition. This is close to passing but not there yet