The movie "Gone Baby Gone", is about a detective (Patrick) investigating on the abduction of Amanda. As he continues to investigate with his partner, Angie, the investigation led to Amanda's death. Discovered that Amanda's death was fake, he found out that Captian Doyle abducted her because she was not being taken care of by her mother, Helene. Patrick was stuck between keeping the abduction a secret, and bring the child back to his mother. Patrick choose to to send Amanda back to Helene. On Lionel's side, Captain Doyle believed that Amanda had to be taken away because Helene wasn't taking care of her. Lionel was telling Patrick a story of when Helene left Amanda in the car, and how she was roasted. Another thing is that Helene is a drug addict. In Lionel's point of view, for Amanda to be raised by a drug addict would not come out good for her. Which is why they find that it was the right thing to take Amanda away from Helene, because it would be for the better.
The other side believed that no matter how imperfect a person may be, no one has a right to interfere in their life. Even though Helene didn't seem to care about Amanda, she still believed that she should keep her child. She doesn't pay attention to Amanda, but when she was abducted, she began to panic. She realized that her child was missing and she made a promise to Patrick that he would bring her back. In the end, Patrick did keep her promise and Helene was the same person as before.
The movie really takes the side of returning Amanda back to her mother because it was a bad consequence, but the right decision. It was the right decision because, no one would of liked it if they had a child and it was taken away from them. Just like Helene, the parent would be frightened and angry about the abductor. Basically saying, no one has a right to take ones child away, no matter how bad the parent may be. Everybody was mad at Patrick in the end, but he was responsible for taking care of Amanda because Helene was not paying attention to her.
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